01 Mar 2023

Ginkgo biloba is a well-known tree species renowned for its medicinal and nutritional properties. Also referred to as a ‘living fossil’, close relatives of this plant first appeared in the fossil record 270 million years ago during the Permian. The ginkgo tree is the only living representative of the “Ginkgoales”, an otherwise extinct group of […]

01 Mar 2023

The erectile dysfunction (ED) became earlier”impotence“, “erectile dysfunction” or “erectile dysfunction” called. A erectile dysfunction is defined as the man’s inability to get or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual satisfaction. Literally translated, “impotence” means “powerlessness”, which means the inability of a man to function sexually or even as a man in general. Erectile dysfunction […]

01 Mar 2023

Maximum levels of vitamins A possible Overdose of vitamins has been a popular topic in non-scientific media for years. Unfortunately, the research is usually very poor, because the aim is to increase circulation by presenting a pseudo-sensation. The facts clearly indicate that we really only have to give intensive thought to the widespread undersupply. We […]

01 Mar 2023

The human immune system is a sensitive system that reacts sensitively to external disturbances, toxins such as nicotine or alcohol, high levels of stress or a poor, unbalanced diet. If you want to strengthen your immune system, you can support your body with simple and effective measures in maintaining the immune functions. Causes of a […]

01 Mar 2023

7 tips to improve fertility The Spermiogramm lists the essential characteristics that indicate the ability of ejaculate and male spermatozoa to fertilize a female egg. Urologists and andrologists with the appropriate laboratory equipment can examine the freshly obtained ejaculate and thus ascertain whether the man is fertile, has limited fertility or is infertile. A spermiogram […]

01 Mar 2023

PMS symptoms affect women after puberty PMS will that premenstrual syndrome abbreviated. It describes a recurring complex of complaints that many women suffer from in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. In this so-called “Lutealphase About one-third to one-half of all women of childbearing age suffer from PMS symptoms. PMS symptoms affect women from […]